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A delicious mix of 6 gorgeous plants that will thrive in the less sunnier aspects of your garden.  This includes North facing gardens that are not in deep shade by trees or other buildings but it's also good for shady areas which receive approximately 3 hours of direct sunshine at some point through the day.  Typical plant choices will be Astrantia - the most attractive light shade flowerer, Aquilegia's for delicate fern like foliage and intricate flowers, Acanthus adding height with spires, Alchemilla Mollis for great foliage, Thalicturm delavayi for height and the long flowering Geranium.   These 6 plants grouped together will comfortably fill an area of 1 metre and are chosen to have a long season of interest and successional flowering throughout the summer.  These plants are unattractive to slugs and snails.

Plants for Light Shade -Ready Made Border

All plants are available by pre-order only and will be shipped May to September


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